Empowering Patients with Self-Service to Ease Caller Navigation
In healthcare, self-service technology assists patients and provides immediate access to care while reducing hold times for people who opt to speak with a live agent.
Without automated solutions, the only choices are to wait on hold or call back. Conversational interactive voice response (IVRs) and intelligent virtual assistants (IVAs) give callers a third option: easy and efficient self-service following these steps:
- 1. Greeting
After being welcomed, the caller uses their own voice to state their need and easily engage with conversational AI.
- 2. Quick authentication
The technology verifies the patient, if necessary.
- 3. Recognizing needs
Callers ask to schedule or change appointments, refill prescriptions, speak to a provider, etc.
- 4. Task completion
The automated solution quickly and effectively fulfills the requests, connecting the caller to the requested destination or service line.
Increased self-service reduces hold times by removing repetitive calls from the queue and giving healthcare agents time for patients and caregivers who need human support. Healthcare consumers who self-serve experience the following benefits:
- 1. Low-caller-effort
Straightforward navigation for frictionless interactions.
- 2. Skipping hold times altogether
Nobody wants to be inconvenienced, especially for tasks and questions that should take one minute or less.
- 3. Accessibility
Callers with limited time quickly manage their needs, ensuring quick access to necessary care.
- 4. Autonomy
Patients have more power over their healthcare journey and don’t experience feelings of helplessness or frustration in getting what they need.
- 1. Resource optimization
- 2. Simplicity
- 3. Affordability
- 4. Practicality
About Parlance
Parlance is a conversational AI-powered solution that delivers intuitive voice-driven self-service for callers who know what they want but quickly pivots out of the way of callers who cannot or do not want to self-serve.