Think the voice channel is declining? Think again. Despite major health system investments in omni-channel communication and healthcare portals, patients, family members, doctors, and vendors continue to interact with your health system by phone. However, not all voice experiences are equal. No one wants to wait on hold; “listen closely because options have changed,” or get lost in a maze-like phone tree. Innovative leaders are re-imagining phone-based interactive voice response, implementing ‘low-caller-effort’ approaches to self-service, and empowering staff with more time to own patient and family-member issues. HCA Healthcare offloads 66% of calls with speech-driven call routing, to support switchboard centralization. With generative IVR, Callers easily connect to patients, doctors, scheduling, and more. In this webinar, we speak to Andy Draper to learn how HCA implemented ‘low-caller-effort’ approaches to self-service, and as a result:
• Reduced operator workload
• Empowered staff with time to attend to safety, security, and other critical needs
• Attained immediate cost savings
• Improved patient experience
Want to know more about modern, conversational AIVR™ (Parlance AI plus generative IVR)? Watch a short video featuring Duane Donaway, Director of Technology at Hendrick Health. Duane explains how Hendrick Health improved the experiences of internal and external Hendrick callers by using Parlance.