Parlance is a managed Software-as-a-Service solution, deployed on-premises or in the cloud.
Parlance virtualized service units connect to IP-PBX session managers or session border controllers via SIP trunks. A caller dials General Hospital and is routed by the IP-PBX to Parlance. Parlance answers the call with your branded greeting. Callers can speak naturally and connect to their destination. Parlance can answer for multiple external and internal service lines, providing a speech-enabled directory that services a variety of callers. On the same call leg, Parlance signals the IP-PBX to connect the caller to their destination with a REFER-based transfer. The connection between Parlance and the IP-PBX ends quickly. The caller connects without the need for an operator. When callers have complicated requests, Parlance routes to a live agent. Since more people are happily self-serving, live operators have more time to provide support.
When callers speak naturally and connect directly, you save money!